BBIH Help - Table of contents 4. Record view

Record view shows the full details for each bibliographical record. Your search terms are highlighted in red (5 in the screenshot below).

The display is divided into the following main sections (not all sections will be shown on every record, depending on the type of record and the amount of information recorded) :
   • Bibliographical details: (1). Read more about this section.
   • Classification details: (2). Read more about this section.
   • See articles from miscellany: For most volumes of essays in the Royal Historical Society data published in and since 1975, links are provided, under this heading, to a detailed display of any records for constituent essays that are included in the database (for some very recent volumes, such links may not be available because the articles are still being identified and processed for inclusion in the Bibliography). On the records for the corresponding articles, you can click on the title of the miscellany volume to see the record for the volume, enabling you to see the other articles included in the volume (3).
   • Related publications: Links to related records, such as earlier or later editions, that occur elsewhere in the bibliography. In some cases, subject indexing is given only for one version of a book or article, so, if the record that you are viewing lacks classification details, you may find them by following this link (3).
   • External links (3). Read more about this section.

Other features of Record view
   • Hover over Record source and copyright to see the source of the record (RHS database, Irish History Online, London's Past Online or Scottish Historical Review Trust) and to see copyright information; a unique identification number is also provided (4).
   • OpenURL-links (6). Read more.
   • A navigation area (8) with the following links:
       • Links to the preceding and following record, if your selection contains multiple records.
       • Export the current record (Learn more, 6).
       • Click Refine search to go back to the search screen with the criteria from your current search, so that you can modify it. Alternatively, to see details from previous searches, select Search History from the top menu (learn more, 8). To start a new search, click on Simple search or Advanced search beneath Search in the green menu.
       • Result overview returns you to the display of brief details of all results from your current search.
       • Provide feedback links to forms on the project's website which enable you to send comments, corrections or information about missing records.
Record view
Bibliographical details:
   • Data have been derived from a variety of sources over a long period of time and consequently the standard of bibliographical information provided varies. For monographs and miscellany volumes, ISBNs are provided only where available, and for the majority of pre-1993 books in the Royal Historical Society data publisher and length are not indicated; where place of publication is not given for pre-1993 books, it can generally be assumed to be London.
   • Author names, journal and series titles, and ISSNs are formatted as links: click on these to launch a search of the Bibliography.
   • Some author names are accompanied by links to the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, the United Kingdom National Register of Archives or Who was Who. Click on these to find more information about the person in question. (Learn more, 5.1)
   • Where a record includes a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), this is followed by a link which should take you to the publisher's online edition of the work. You will need an appropriate subscription to view online full text, although many publishers make abstracts available freely. If you can also see an OpenURL resolver link at the top of the screen (6), this may take you to other online full text services to which your institution has a subscription. (Learn more about OpenURL resolver links, 5.2)

Classification details are arranged in the following sections:
   • Subject tree. The terms which have been applied to the record are shown in bold, but they are also shown in the context of any higher terms in the hierarchy (because some terms occur in two or more branches of the tree, they may appear more than once). You can click on any term to launch a search for records containing that term. For most works published before 1993, the information in this field is derived from non-controlled indexing designed to supplement the title, which has been mapped where possible on to the subject tree. You should therefore refer to the Title and Other subject fields for more information.
   • Place name tree. The terms which have been applied to the record are shown in bold, but they are also shown in the context of any higher terms in the hierarchy (because some terms occur in two or more branches of the tree, they may appear more than once). You can learn more about the principles of the Place name tree: 2.8.8. You can click on any term to launch a search for records containing that term.
For most works published before 1993, the information in this field is derived from non-controlled indexing designed to supplement the title, which has been mapped where possible on to the subject tree, or has been estimated on the basis of period covered (Notes will indicate if information is estimated). You should therefore refer to the Title and Other subject fields for more information.
   • Person as subject. For pre-1993 publications, and for data from London's Past Online, information in this field should be read in conjunction with the Title and Other subject fields.
Many personal names are accompanied by links to the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, the United Kingdom National Register of Archives or Who was Who. Click on these to find more information about the person in question. (Learn more, 5.1)
   • Other subject. This field may contain, for post-1992 publications, subject indexing terms which are too specific to be incorporated into the subject tree scheme. For earlier publications in the Royal Historical Society data, the field contains the subject indexing provided for the CD version of the Bibliography published in 1998: this indexing was intended to complement information in the title and did not use a controlled language; where this indexing has been mapped on to the subject classification scheme or the authority lists of places or people now used by the Bibliography, information may be repeated in the Subject tree, Place name tree or Person as subject fields.
   • Period covered. For publications since 1992 in the Royal Historical Society data, and for records from Irish History Online, this is given as precisely as possible, but has often of necessity to be estimated. Period covered is given approximately for most pre-1993 publications, using 25 year periods: e.g. a work covering 1666 will be described as covering 1650-1675; a work covering 1820-40 will be described as covering 1800-1850. In data from London's Past Online period covered is often indicated only to the nearest century, and is in some cases even more approximate. For all records, however, the period covered has been adjusted so as not to exceed the date of publication of the work.

OpenURL-links (6):
Depending on the type of record and your subscription, you may see some or all of the following links:
   • a link to your institution's OpenURL resolver which will search for online text and/or information about where copies are available in libraries (learn more,
   • a link to OCLC's Find in a Library service which will search for online text and/or information about where copies are available in libraries (this is an alternative to the institutional resolver link; learn more, 5.3).
   • COPAC link: this link launches a query in the combined online catalogue of major university and national libraries in the UK and Ireland, including the British Library, the National Library of Scotland, and the National Library of Wales/Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru. A search is carried out for copies of the book, if the record represents a book, or for copies of the journal or book containing the article, if the record represents an article. You can then see if the title is available in a library to which you have access (please contact the individual libraries for information about access).
   • Google Books link: this link launches a search for the listed work in Google Books (learn more, 5.4).
   • British Library Direct-link (recent articles in selected journals only): enables you to order the item from the British Library Direct service. Note that copyright and handling fees will be due for any items ordered using this service; if you have any questions about the service, please consult the British Library.

External links (3):
   • For publications with free access to online text (for example from British History Online), this section of the record may provide you with a direct link to the online text.
   • Alternatively, it may provide information about subscription services or publishers' sites where online text is available. For journals, this information will most often relate to the journal, whereas the OpenURL links may be able to take you directly to the specific article. However, we have included the information provided in this section as it may offer a guide to the dates of publication for which a journal is available online.
   • This section may also give links to online reviews, published by the Institute of Historical Research's Reviews in History, by H-Albion and by CERCLES: Revue pluridisciplinaire du monde anglophone.
   • Finally, information may be given here about related websites, e.g. for a learned society which published the work described by the record.