y Multi-character wildcards
BBIH Help - Table of contents 2.4.1 Multi-character wildcards

Use * to represent any number of characters. This enables you to search for the root of a word and obtain results containing several variants; for example, agricultur* will match both 'agriculture' and 'agricultural'. You can also end a word with * in order to find both singular and plural forms; for example, trade* union* will match 'trade union', 'trade unions' and 'trades unions'. We strongly recommend that you use wildcards in this way when using Search anywhere to search for subjects.

The text in the search box must contain at least three characters, as well as the *. For example, in the Author field, you cannot search for i* but you can search for Archer I* to find all authors with the surname 'Archer' whose forenames begin with 'I'.

You cannot use a wildcard as part of a phrase enclosed by inverted commas.