Help APh – Table of contents 1. Main Menu

The most important elements in the Main Menu are:

1. An overview of all Brepols’ online databases

2. The option to change the interface language (Learn more, 7)

3. A Search history function to see details from previous searches (Learn more, 8)

4. A Logout button: always use this button to exit the database (Learn more, 9)

5. A list of all journals covered in the APh

6. A link to the introduction page

7. The option to switch between a Simple search screen and the Advanced search screen (Learn more, 2.1 and 2.2)

8. A quick search box: a search in this box corresponds to the All fields search field

9. The date of the last update

10. The My Email Alerts link enables you to view and manage any email alerts that you have set up (Learn more, 9)

Main menu