BBIH Help - Table of contents 2.4.2 Single-character wildcards

You can use ? to represent a single character; for example, if you search for p?rsons, this will match 'persons' or 'parsons'. However, a character must be present where you place the ?; for example, guild? will match 'guilds' but will not match 'guild'. To search for both single and plural forms of the same word, use *, e.g. guild*, or link the different forms with OR, e.g. guild OR guilds.

The text in the search box must contain at least three characters, as well as the ?. For example, in the Author field, you cannot search simply for j? but you can search for Wainwright J? and your search will find records by 'Wainwright, Jo'.

You cannot use a wildcard as part of a phrase enclosed by inverted commas.